Friday, May 22, 2020

Why Business is Still Personal Marla Gottschalk

Why Business is Still Personal Marla Gottschalk Workplace evolution is a constant and accepting this fact is inevitable. Many of us have re-invented ourselves, redefined our roles (more than once), embraced the would be powers of social media and hopefully made some measure of peace with the on-going mobile revolution. But as time marches on, and our attention becomes infinitely divided we must be careful not to overlook the core skills that are critical to business success. The recommendations posed years ago that will always remain uniquely relevant. We may have brushed them aside or underestimated their importance for a moment. However, the expectation remains each time we   introduce ourselves to a new co-worker or pitch an idea to a client. Business is about people and business is still personal. It has been discussed, that the state of our economy has allowed some of us to become forgetful concerning the importance of people skills.   This is somewhat understandable, but not excusable. The resulting stress can cause us to skip the people component even though we know on some level this is ill-advised. The reality remains that in the long-term, we really cannot hope to move forward individually or organizationally, without this skill set intact. Business is not only about spreads sheets and IPOs. It is essentially about connecting with your employees and the dreams of your customers. Business is about people and if we forget this, we are likely to fail miserably somewhere down the line. The business of understanding people There is no need to re-invent the wheel to refresh our memories. There are resources out there to help us sharpen or re-connect with this skill set. The Dale Carnegie classic, How to Win Friends and Influence People, (which should be required reading for all aspiring business students and entrepreneurs), is one example. The basic tenets of the book still make perfect business sense. Concepts such as showing appreciation, and leaving others with the feeling that they are worthy of your undivided attention, are certainly crucial leadership building blocks which have stood the test of time. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, another people skills basic, takes a closer look at how the ability to understand others can impact all aspects of our lives. As we have all learned, possessing a spectacularly high IQ may not be enough to propel you forward in business. You also need to grasp how your behavior impacts others and how that ultimately affects your business future. (Find a review of studies on Emotional Intelligence here.) A few other basics worth mentioning: Face-to-face contact still works Reading the Human Moment at Work can be a game changer for developing leaders. Written at the forefront of our now technologically nagged world its posed premise will only become more important as time goes on. Listen more,talk less When considering the skill of strategic   listening attitude and awareness are key. As described recently by Tom Peters, author of In Search Of Excellence, My argument is skills such as listening are full-scale professions to be studied, practiced, and mastered as the cello would be. Manage technology Dont expect to develop business relationships if you are always tethered to an electronic device. If you think that your overall level of distraction isnt noticed you are wrong. Eye contact, a smile and a handshake I am not sure when these common courtesies were expunged from the game plan, because they are so accessible, yet so very powerful. Having someone feel welcome and comfortable, is a gift that will come back to you in so many ways. Reward effort Never underestimate the power of a thank you and a job well done. If you are unsure how to show gratitude, start with a simple note to let someone know youve notice, and appreciate their contribution. Offer respect I dont know if you can teach respect   but the belief that everyone has something to offer is a basic business tenant. Most everyone brings something to the table, and they deserve respect for that contribution. Consider history     Knowing and recognizing someones journey in life and work, is consummate to that person. Just as you need to know the history of an organization when doing business with them, know the history of the key players as well. Weve all witnessed uncomfortable moments when we realize that an individual has completely forgotten the skill set mentioned here. It is alarming to watch. We can only hope, that someone with influence and wisdom can set them straight and point them in the right direction. Dr. Marla Gottschalk is a Workplace Psychologist and career coach. Connect with her on Twitter and Linkedin.

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